Any incoming tweet (@mention or tweet from account who we follow) containing a 5-6-digit number should have that number checked against our database of known CRIDs. (If we need a prefix, then it could CR 12345 or FOIA 12345 or FOIA CR12345.) If a match is found then we should initiate a FOIA request for that CRID number (with the requesting @twitterusername as the requester). And of course if that CRID already has other requesters, then it bumps it up in the queue (just as if another user had requested it via teh web site using their email address … and similarly after we receive the doc we will notify them via twitter @mention or direct message).
Simple lookups when someone tweets “FOIA Brian Smith” we should respond with a simple list of all known CRIDs ordered by date of incident as follows:
“Sgt Michael Smart (2144)
12345 (2015-12-23)
23456 )2014-01-01)
23145 (2013-02-02)”
  • and then if a user replies to one of these numbers then we initiate a request fo them